Robin LaCour
"While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are Eternal."
2 Corinthians 4:18
Follow the Testimony...
C O L B Y ' S S T O R Y
If you had the pleasure of knowing Colby before his accident, you would be smiling because he always had a way to make you laugh. His accident occurred at Tillman's Corner in Mobile, Alabama on February 24, 2004. When I think of my son, Colby, I think of his friends and how much he thoroughly loved his friends. As part of Colby's testimony, Colby now has three young boys named after him. Colby embodies a wonderful testimony to his life, but it doesn't stop there...
My father died five days before Colby after a long battle with lung cancer. The last time I saw my son was at my mother's house after my dad's funeral. He was called up on active duty as an E-5 in the Army due to leave in a few months to Desert Storm. I was scared for him but also proud as we have three generations of military men in our family. The very last conversation I had with my son was the evening he passed on his way home from Mobile. I said to him, "Son, you be careful. The roads are really wet." He replied, "Momma, I will be fine. I am in my new truck." I felt something make me pause and I said, "Colby, do you know you belong to the Lord?" He responded quickly, "Yes ma'am, I know I do. Momma, I love you." I said, "Son, I love you, too."
I was given the opportunity to open a restaurant in Ozark, Alabama in 2008, and we named it Colby's. I had been praying about Service, but I had never even considered God putting me in the restaurant business. I wasn't sure that I even liked the idea, but none the less I knew it was what I was supposed to do. I prayed to God, "God, if Colby's birthday is on a Monday, we shall open on his birthday." It seemed fitting since we named the restaurant after him. On June 9th, 2008, we opened in Ozark.
I received a call again with another opportunity to open in Dothan, Alabama. I prayed about it, and I felt I should "Follow the Testimony." We were health approved the day before Colby's birthday, so we opened on June 9th, 2010 in the historical downtown building.
A wonderful person and previous owner of this building died, Chip George, well-known in Dothan, Alabama and a huge asset to downtown Dothan. I was asked to buy the building, and on June 9th, 2012, we closed on the original JC Penny's building. I felt inclined to rename the building, so that evening we hung our new sign "The Colby Building" on my son's birthday.
When Colby passed I wrote a song about him, and the first verse talks about dropping a dime. No one knew this except me. My friend, Dani, out of the blue, texted me and said... "When you find a dime, you'll know it is your Colby, and he is near." Now I find dimes and a great deal of them here at "The Colby Building". We all have a testimony in our lives. I would encourage everyone to become an "Overcomer" from your "Testimony".
Robin LaCour